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#process #DES101

#process #DES101

#process #DES101

Technique: Photoshop

"The theme we were given for poster 2 was making a movie poster. With the guidelines being to apply principles of colour theory, include textual elements (e.g. movie title, director) considering organisational principles of typography and carefully think about the signifier and signified.

Using the guidelines, I created this movie poster called, "Revival". I used Adobe Photoshop to make this poster.


I wanted to explore the theme of Revival that I got from the Haiku, "A Poppy Blooms", composed by the Japanese artist and poet Katsushika Hokusai.

"I write, erase, rewrite

Erase again, rewrite, and then

A poppy blooms"


The theme I got from Hokusai's poem was Revival, an improvement in the condition, strength, or fortunes of someone or something. Constant improvement, getting knocked down and getting back up. Fixing what went wrong and coming back stronger with each knockdown. 


Using clouds and smoke, I tried to symbolise an arising out of the ash kind of feeling, giving that sense of revival.

I also focused creating a contrast where the bottom half of the poster is darker compared to the lighter and softer tone of the top half. Giving that sense of a dark underlying feeling to it and as the smoke arises a softer freer feel.

Faculty of Design, University of Auckland (2020). DES 101 Week 2 Lecture Slides, Retrieved from

Katsushika Hokusai (2020). A Poppy Blooms, Retrieved from 

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